<img src="https://media2.giphy.com/media/4PXSyBgPzNiaDdUOCQ/200w.gif?cid=6c09b952mpd20zoxwmvq85sgk4fn0aa4d0jb9psshrf5urmw&ep=v1_gifs_search&rid=200w.gif&ct=g" alt="title bird1" width = 200 px height= 200px>
(live:1s)[(text-style:"expand","sway")[<h2>(font:"Comic Sans MS")[(text-style:"italic")[(text-colour:(either:"royalblue","springgreen"))[Bird Horoscopes!]] ]</h2>] ]
<img src="https://media.tenor.com/o6TyEJ9k54kAAAAi/bird-tap.gif" alt="title bird2" width= 200px height= 200px>
<div id="Birdscreen">
In this game, you answer a brief questionnaire to see what type of bird you are. Your personality will determine the results.
[[Are you ready?->Q1]]<header class="bird">
<h3>Question 1</h3>
Which of the following best describes your current mood?
(link-reveal-goto:"Hungry","Q2")[(set:$score to it + 2)]
(link-reveal-goto:"Tired","Q2")[(set:$score to it + 3)]
(link-reveal-goto:"Excited","Q2")[(set:$score to it + 5)]
(link-reveal-goto:"Anxious","Q2")[(set:$score to it + 4)]
(link-reveal-goto:"Depressed","Q2")[(set:$score to it + 1)]
<footer class="bird">
</footer><header class="bird">
<h3>Question 2</h3>
Which of the following best describes your overall mood throughout the day?
(link-reveal-goto:"Sporty","Q3")[(set:$score to it + 5)]
(link-reveal-goto:"Cheery","Q3")[(set:$score to it + 4)]
(link-reveal-goto:"Relaxed","Q3")[(set:$score to it + 3)]
(link-reveal-goto:"Nervous","Q3")[(set:$score to it + 1)]
(link-reveal-goto:"Confident","Q3")[(set:$score to it + 2)]
<footer class="bird">
</footer><header class="bird">
<h3>Question 3</h3>
Which animal would be your ideal companion if you wanted a pet?
(link-reveal-goto:"Dog","Q4")[(set:$score to it + 5)]
(link-reveal-goto:"Cat","Q4")[(set:$score to it + 4)]
(link-reveal-goto:"Rabbit","Q4")[(set:$score to it + 1)]
(link-reveal-goto:"Snake","Q4")[(set:$score to it + 2)]
(link-reveal-goto:"Parrot","Q4")[(set:$score to it + 3)]
<footer class="bird">
</footer><header class="bird">
<h3>Question 4</h3>
If you wanted to watch an ideal movie, what genre would that movie most likely be?
(link-reveal-goto:"Romance","Q5")[(set:$score to it + 2)]
(link-reveal-goto:"Comedy","Q5")[(set:$score to it + 3)]
(link-reveal-goto:"Documentary","Q5")[(set:$score to it + 1)]
(link-reveal-goto:"Action","Q5")[(set:$score to it + 5)]
(link-reveal-goto:"Horror","Q5")[(set:$score to it + 4)]
<footer class="bird">
</footer><header class="bird">
<h3>Question 5</h3>
What medium would yould you like your ideal movie in?
(link-reveal-goto:"Live action","Q6")[(set:$score to it + 2)]
(link-reveal-goto:"2d Animation","Q6")[(set:$score to it + 5)]
(link-reveal-goto:"3d CGI Animation","Q6")[(set:$score to it + 1)]
(link-reveal-goto:"Stop motion animation","Q6")[(set:$score to it + 4)]
(link-reveal-goto:"A mixture of the above","Q6")[(set:$score to it + 3)]
<footer class="bird">
</footer><header class="bird">
<h3>Question 6</h3>
Which of the following elements would you most like in your ideal movie?
(link-reveal-goto:"Science Fiction","Q7")[(set:$score to it + 5)]
(link-reveal-goto:"Historical Fiction","Q7")[(set:$score to it + 2)]
(link-reveal-goto:"Realistic Fiction","Q7")[(set:$score to it + 3)]
(link-reveal-goto:"Fantasy","Q7")[(set:$score to it + 4)]
(link-reveal-goto:"Non-fiction","Q7")[(set:$score to it + 1)]
<footer class="bird">
</footer><header class="bird">
<h3>Question 7</h3>
Which of the following would most likely appear in your ideal movie?
(link-reveal-goto:"Giant Robots","Q8")[(set:$score to it + 4)]
(link-reveal-goto:"Talking Animals","Q8")[(set:$score to it + 5)]
(link-reveal-goto:"Dinosaurs","Q8")[(set:$score to it + 3)]
(link-reveal-goto:"A War","Q8")[(set:$score to it + 1)]
(link-reveal-goto:"A Coffee Shop","Q8")[(set:$score to it + 2)]
<footer class="bird">
</footer><header class="bird">
<h3>Question 8</h3>
Which of the following would the main conflict in your dream movie?
(link-reveal-goto:"Lovers must confess their love to each other","Q9")[(set:$score to it + 2)]
(link-reveal-goto:"Heroes must fight a looming evil","Q9")[(set:$score to it + 5)]
(link-reveal-goto:"Main character must survive in an inhospitable location","Q9")[(set:$score to it + 3)]
(link-reveal-goto:"Main character must come to terms with their sexuality and identity","Q9")[(set:$score to it + 1)]
(link-reveal-goto:"Main character solves a mystery revealing what is going on in their world","Q9")[(set:$score to it + 4)]
<footer class="bird">
</footer><header class="bird">
<h3>Question 9</h3>
What type of music would best describe the soundtrack of your ideal movie?
(link-reveal-goto:"Pop music","Q10")[(set:$score to it + 1)]
(link-reveal-goto:"Techno music","Q10")[(set:$score to it + 5)]
(link-reveal-goto:"Rap music","Q10")[(set:$score to it + 3)]
(link-reveal-goto:"Broadway musical numbers","Q10")[(set:$score to it + 4)]
(link-reveal-goto:"Rock music","Q10")[(set:$score to it + 2)]
<footer class="bird">
</footer><header class="bird">
<h3>Question 10</h3>
What type of snacks would you most likely eat while watching your ideal movie?
(link-reveal-goto:"Popcorn","Q11")[(set:$score to it + 1)]
(link-reveal-goto:"Home-made snacks","Q11")[(set:$score to it + 2)]
(link-reveal-goto:"Pizza","Q11")[(set:$score to it + 5)]
(link-reveal-goto:"Candy","Q11")[(set:$score to it + 4)]
(link-reveal-goto:"Cookies","Q11")[(set:$score to it + 3)]
<footer class="bird">
</footer><header class="bird">
<h3>Question 11</h3>
What type of drinks would you most likely consume while watching your ideal movie?
(link-reveal-goto:"Soda","Q12")[(set:$score to it + 4)]
(link-reveal-goto:"Alcohol","Q12")[(set:$score to it + 2)]
(link-reveal-goto:"Coffee","Q12")[(set:$score to it + 3)]
(link-reveal-goto:"Milkshake","Q12")[(set:$score to it + 5)]
(link-reveal-goto:"Water","Q12")[(set:$score to it + 1)]
<footer class="bird">
</footer><header class="bird">
<h3>Question 12</h3>
Which of the following physical activities would you prefer doing?
(link-reveal-goto:"Swimming","Q13")[(set:$score to it + 5)]
(link-reveal-goto:"Jogging","Q13")[(set:$score to it + 2)]
(link-reveal-goto:"Cycling","Q13")[(set:$score to it + 4)]
(link-reveal-goto:"Jump roping","Q13")[(set:$score to it + 3)]
(link-reveal-goto:"Hiking","Q13")[(set:$score to it + 1)]
<footer class="bird">
</footer><header class="bird">
<h3>Question 13</h3>
Which of the following indoor activities would you prefer doing?
(link-reveal-goto:"Playing video games","Q14")[(set:$score to it + 4)]
(link-reveal-goto:"Listening to music","Q14")[(set:$score to it + 3)]
(link-reveal-goto:"Drawing some pictures","Q14")[(set:$score to it + 5)]
(link-reveal-goto:"Solving puzzles","Q14")[(set:$score to it + 2)]
(link-reveal-goto:"Reading books","Q14")[(set:$score to it + 1)]
<footer class="bird">
</footer><header class="bird">
<h3>Question 14</h3>
Which of the following would make you the most happiest?
(link-reveal-goto:"Unlimited snacks","Q15")[(set:$score to it + 5)]
(link-reveal-goto:"Unlimited nap time","Q15")[(set:$score to it + 1)]
(link-reveal-goto:"A long vacation away from work and school","Q15")[(set:$score to it + 4)]
(link-reveal-goto:"Some alone time","Q15")[(set:$score to it + 5)]
(link-reveal-goto:"Lots of time with family","Q15")[(set:$score to it + 3)]
<footer class="bird">
</footer><header class="bird">
<h3>Question 15</h3>
Which of the following you fear the most?
(link-reveal-goto:"Losing your progress in a video game","Q16")[(set:$score to it + 1)]
(link-reveal-goto:"Being rejected by your significant other","Q16")[(set:$score to it + 4)]
(link-reveal-goto:"Having lots of work to do","Q16")[(set:$score to it + 2)]
(link-reveal-goto:"Being humilated in public","Q16")[(set:$score to it + 5)]
(link-reveal-goto:"Being broke","Q16")[(set:$score to it + 3)]
<footer class="bird">
</footer><header class="bird">
<h3>Question 16</h3>
Which of the following do you enjoy the most?
(link-reveal-goto:"Beating a final boss","Q17")[(set:$score to it + 1)]
(link-reveal-goto:"Completing a personal project","Q17")[(set:$score to it + 4)]
(link-reveal-goto:"Entertaining your family members","Q17")[(set:$score to it + 2)]
(link-reveal-goto:"Cooking food","Q17")[(set:$score to it + 5)]
(link-reveal-goto:"Reading a good book","Q17")[(set:$score to it + 3)]
<footer class="bird">
</footer><header class="bird">
<h3>Question 17</h3>
Which of the following traits best describe how others see you?
(link-reveal-goto:"Determined","Q18")[(set:$score to it + 2)]
(link-reveal-goto:"Creative","Q18")[(set:$score to it + 5)]
(link-reveal-goto:"Sociable","Q18")[(set:$score to it + 1)]
(link-reveal-goto:"Intelligent","Q18")[(set:$score to it + 4)]
(link-reveal-goto:"Passionate","Q18")[(set:$score to it + 3)]
<footer class="bird">
</footer><header class="bird">
<h3>Question 18</h3>
Which of the following best describes your dream career?
(link-reveal-goto:"Earning passive income","Q19")[(set:$score to it + 1)]
(link-reveal-goto:"Having others appreciate your creative talents","Q19")[(set:$score to it + 5)]
(link-reveal-goto:"Helping others","Q19")[(set:$score to it + 4)]
(link-reveal-goto:"Changing the world","Q19")[(set:$score to it + 3)]
(link-reveal-goto:"Working hard","Q19")[(set:$score to it + 2)]
<footer class="bird">
</footer><header class="bird">
<h3>Question 19</h3>
If you were a character in a fantasy story, what would you most likely be?
(link-reveal-goto:"A wizard","Q20")[(set:$score to it + 4)]
(link-reveal-goto:"A knight","Q20")[(set:$score to it + 3)]
(link-reveal-goto:"A fantasy creature","Q20")[(set:$score to it + 5)]
(link-reveal-goto:"A farmer","Q20")[(set:$score to it + 1)]
(link-reveal-goto:"A monarch","Q20")[(set:$score to it + 2)]
<footer class="bird">
</footer><header class="bird">
<h3>Question 20</h3>
What do you consider to be the most important thing to your life?
(link-reveal-goto:"Getting in touch with the latest trends","Q21")[(set:$score to it + 4)]
(link-reveal-goto:"Pleasing future employers","Q21")[(set:$score to it + 3)]
(link-reveal-goto:"Having a strong connection with family","Q21")[(set:$score to it + 5)]
(link-reveal-goto:"Leaving a massive impact on the world","Q21")[(set:$score to it + 1)]
(link-reveal-goto:"Having your creative work recoginized by a larger audience","Q21")[(set:$score to it + 2)]
<footer class="bird">
</footer><header class="bird">
<h3>Question 21</h3>
If you had to give up one thing, what would you sacrifice?
(link-reveal-goto:"A whole week's worth of food","Q22")[(set:$score to it + 1)]
(link-reveal-goto:"Your prized possesions","Q22")[(set:$score to it + 4)]
(link-reveal-goto:"Your family members","Q22")[(set:$score to it + 5)]
(link-reveal-goto:"Your pets","Q22")[(set:$score to it + 2)]
(link-reveal-goto:"Comfortable living conditions","Q22")[(set:$score to it + 3)]
<footer class="bird">
</footer><header class="bird">
<h3>Question 22</h3>
If you were to turn into an animal, what would you be?
(link-reveal-goto:"An eagle","Q23")[(set:$score to it + 1)]
(link-reveal-goto:"A ram","Q23")[(set:$score to it + 4)]
(link-reveal-goto:"A monkey","Q23")[(set:$score to it + 5)]
(link-reveal-goto:"A wolf","Q23")[(set:$score to it + 2)]
(link-reveal-goto:"A cat","Q23")[(set:$score to it + 3)]
<footer class="bird">
</footer><header class="bird">
<h3>Question 23</h3>
If you were to possess supernatural powers, what would it be?
(link-reveal-goto:"Time travel","Q24")[(set:$score to it + 3)]
(link-reveal-goto:"Shapeshifting","Q24")[(set:$score to it + 5)]
(link-reveal-goto:"Super speed","Q24")[(set:$score to it + 2)]
(link-reveal-goto:"Telepathy","Q24")[(set:$score to it + 4)]
(link-reveal-goto:"Flight","Q24")[(set:$score to it + 1)]
<footer class="bird">
</footer><header class="bird">
<h3>Question 24</h3>
If you were presented with a problem that requires a lot of knowlege and tact in order to solve it, what would you do?
(link-reveal-goto:"Try to see what caused the problem in order to find a solution","Q25")[(set:$score to it + 4)]
(link-reveal-goto:"Solve the problem using information I already know","Q25")[(set:$score to it + 2)]
(link-reveal-goto:"Get other people to solve the problem","Q25")[(set:$score to it + 3)]
(link-reveal-goto:"Try to examine the scene before experimenting with a solution","Q25")[(set:$score to it + 5)]
(link-reveal-goto:"Just solve the problem the only way I know how","Q25")[(set:$score to it + 1)]
<footer class="bird">
(text-style:"italic","expand")[(font:"Comic Sans MS")[<h1>(live:1s)[(text-colour:(either:"royalblue","springgreen"))[Results]]</h1>] ]
Now that you have completed this questionnaire, let's see what type of bird you are.
(event:when time > 10s)[(link-reveal-goto:"Play Again","Bird Horrorscopes")[(set:$score to 0)] ]
<img src="https://media0.giphy.com/media/sKIfJyL0wgBBS/giphy-downsized-large.gif" alt="dove" width=500px height=500px />
As the symbol of peace, doves are very calm and relaxed.
They can drive away any conflict that comes in their way.
Because they are so calm, they can bring peace to any environment.<h3>Conure</h3>
<img src="https://media4.giphy.com/media/FO4lgeCgKkC2I/200.gif" alt="conure" width=200px height=200px />
Conures are very chill and relaxed.
Their coloruful feathers can make them very dazzling.
However, they do not like to be disturbed.<h3>Finch</h3>
<img src="https://media1.giphy.com/media/RioKGPRjkPKCI0i4tV/giphy.gif" alt="Finch" width=200px height=200px />
Finches are very showy in spite of their small size.
They may not look like much, but they are very helpful for each other.
They can bring a small burst of happiness when you least expect it.<h3>Owl</h3>
<img src="https://media0.giphy.com/media/xcQDjinXBlw1W/giphy.gif" alt="Owl" width=200px height=200px />
As a symbol of knowledge, owls are very intelligent and docile.
They do not wish to be disturbed under any circumstances.
Thier passions and determination is very formidable.<h3>Cockatoo</h3>
<img src="https://media.tenor.com/images/55ffe8d1403d0ca14f768d0f4adba128/tenor.gif" alt="cockatoo" width=200px height=200px />
Cockatoos are very clever and smart.
They have so much energy that any place can become a playground.
True, they can live with others very well.<h3>Canary</h3>
<img src="https://media1.giphy.com/media/SlOVZMmXpR67K/giphy.gif" alt="canary" width=200px height=200px />
Canaries are so full of energy.
They can be very swift and very sporty.
Their small size makes them very pent-up and ready to strike.<h3>Budgie</h3>
<img src="https://media0.giphy.com/media/12aC2hH2jrDpDi/200.gif" alt="budgie" width=200px height=200px />
Budgies are very energetic and playful.
They are filled to the brim with energy so that they can have fun all day.
They are so playful that other birds seem to get annoyed.<h3>Macaw</h3>
<img src="https://media2.giphy.com/media/dZeNw1FLEUOaI/giphy.gif" alt="Macaw" width=200px height=200px />
Macaws are very docile for their size.
Their striking colours make them very showy.
Nonetheless, they prefer hanging out in small groups.<h3>Lovebird</h3>
<img src="https://media.tenor.com/images/5c05dbd7447fc23e52b765a30d03acad/tenor.gif" alt="lovebird" width=200px height=200px />
Lovebirds are as loving as their name implies.
They are often found cuddling with families and lovers.
These birds can look so cute together.<h3>Crow</h3>
<img src="https://media.tenor.com/yCME6SaBsX0AAAAM/crow-bird.gif" alt="Crow" height= 200px width=300px>
Crows are very intelligent and social.
They love to have some fun while flying with friends.
They can get very creative with their problem-solving skills.<h3>Hummingbird</h3>
<img src="https://media4.giphy.com/media/AQvPBK9FPQoAU/200w.gif?cid=6c09b9527398ncy82knvae8g8oflaqoqg3js59jy3s77img0&ep=v1_gifs_search&rid=200w.gif&ct=g" alt="hummingbird">
Hummingbirds are swift and agile.
They scour flowers in search of their delicious nectar.
This sweet pleasure is often worth the cost of heavy dedication and busywork.
<img src="https://media.tenor.com/SeKteMb0b58AAAAM/falcon-profile.gif" alt="Falcon" height= 250px width=300px>
Falcons are fierce and determined.
They can take down any opponent with their sheer speed, size and agility.
They are willing to fight for their territory and mates.<header class="bird">
<h3>Question 26</h3>
If you were to go on vacation, which of these would be your ideal destination?
(link-reveal-goto:"An amusement park","Q27")[(set:$score to it + 3)]
(link-reveal-goto:"Ruins of an ancient civilization","Q27")[(set:$score to it + 5)]
(link-reveal-goto:"A beach resort","Q27")[(set:$score to it + 2)]
(link-reveal-goto:"A nature reserve","Q27")[(set:$score to it + 1)]
(link-reveal-goto:"A street market in a foreign country","Q27")[(set:$score to it + 4)]
<footer class="bird">
</footer><header class="bird">
<h3>Question 25</h3>
Which of these settings best describes you aesthetically?
(link-reveal-goto:"Gothic Library","Q26")[(set:$score to it + 1)]
(link-reveal-goto:"Futuristic High-tech City","Q26")[(set:$score to it + 4)]
(link-reveal-goto:"Wooden Cottage in the middle of the forest","Q26")[(set:$score to it + 2)]
(link-reveal-goto:"Tropical Rainforest","Q26")[(set:$score to it + 5)]
(link-reveal-goto:"Modern Apartment Building","Q26")[(set:$score to it + 3)]
<footer class="bird">
</footer><header class="bird">
<h3>Question 27</h3>
Which of these holidays are you most fond of?
(link-reveal-goto:"Halloween","Q28")[(set:$score to it + 5)]
(link-reveal-goto:"Christmas","Q28")[(set:$score to it + 4)]
(link-reveal-goto:"Valentine's Day","Q28")[(set:$score to it + 3)]
(link-reveal-goto:"New Year's Eve","Q28")[(set:$score to it + 1)]
(link-reveal-goto:"Easter","Q28")[(set:$score to it + 2)]
<footer class="bird">
</footer><header class="bird">
<h3>Question 28</h3>
If you were to time-travel to an ancient civilization, which of the following would you want to visit?
(link-reveal-goto:"Ancient Egypt","Q29")[(set:$score to it + 3)]
(link-reveal-goto:"Ancient Mesopotamia","Q29")[(set:$score to it + 4)]
(link-reveal-goto:"Ancient Greece","Q29")[(set:$score to it + 2)]
(link-reveal-goto:"Classical Rome","Q29")[(set:$score to it + 1)]
(link-reveal-goto:"Precolumbian Incan Empire","Q29")[(set:$score to it + 5)]
<footer class="bird">
</footer><header class="bird">
<h3>Question 30</h3>
Which of the following flavor descriptors best describes your personality?
(link-reveal-goto:"Sweet & Sour","Q31")[(set:$score to it + 3)]
(link-reveal-goto:"Hot & Spicy","Q31")[(set:$score to it + 4)]
(link-reveal-goto:"Sugary Sweet","Q31")[(set:$score to it + 5)]
(link-reveal-goto:"Strong & Bitter","Q31")[(set:$score to it + 2)]
(link-reveal-goto:"Fresh & Flavorless","Q31")[(set:$score to it + 1)]
<footer class="bird">
</footer><header class="bird">
<h3>Question 29</h3>
If you were to go on a fantastical adventure, which of these settings would you go to?
(link-reveal-goto:"Island full of dinosaurs","Q30")[(set:$score to it + 4)]
(link-reveal-goto:"Medieval castle","Q30")[(set:$score to it + 1)]
(link-reveal-goto:"Lost city in the middle of a rainforest","Q30")[(set:$score to it + 5)]
(link-reveal-goto:"Underwater research base","Q30")[(set:$score to it + 2)]
(link-reveal-goto:"Space colony on the moon","Q30")[(set:$score to it + 3)]
<footer class="bird">
</footer><header class="bird">
<h3>Question 31</h3>
If you were to host a party, which of the following themes would that party revolve around?
(link-reveal-goto:"Fairy Forest","Q32")[(set:$score to it + 3)]
(link-reveal-goto:"Cowboy Westerns","Q32")[(set:$score to it + 2)]
(link-reveal-goto:"Sci-fi Robots","Q32")[(set:$score to it + 5)]
(link-reveal-goto:"Gothic Castle","Q32")[(set:$score to it + 4)]
(link-reveal-goto:"Superheroes","Q32")[(set:$score to it + 1)]
<footer class="bird">
</footer><header class="bird">
<h3>Question 33</h3>
If you wanted to wear vintage clothes, which of the following time periods would you like to emulate?
(link-reveal-goto:"The 1990s/2000s","Q34")[(set:$score to it + 2)]
(link-reveal-goto:"The 1980s","Q34")[(set:$score to it + 5)]
(link-reveal-goto:"The 1970s","Q34")[(set:$score to it + 3)]
(link-reveal-goto:"The 1950s","Q34")[(set:$score to it + 4)]
(link-reveal-goto:"The 1920s","Q34")[(set:$score to it + 1)]
<footer class="bird">
</footer><header class="bird">
<h3>Question 32</h3>
If you were to create a scary monster, what would base its scare factor on?
(link-reveal-goto:"The uncanny valley","Q33")[(set:$score to it + 3)]
(link-reveal-goto:"The fear of the unknown","Q33")[(set:$score to it + 5)]
(link-reveal-goto:"Things I have an irrational fear of","Q33")[(set:$score to it + 2)]
(link-reveal-goto:"My own traumatic memories","Q33")[(set:$score to it + 4)]
(link-reveal-goto:"Social commentary","Q33")[(set:$score to it + 1)]
<footer class="bird">
</footer><header class="bird">
<h3>Question 34</h3>
If you wanted to style your room in the aesthetics of a certain time period, which one would you emulate?
(link-reveal-goto:"The 1990s/2000s","Q35")[(set:$score to it + 4)]
(link-reveal-goto:"The 1980s","Q35")[(set:$score to it + 3)]
(link-reveal-goto:"The 1970s","Q35")[(set:$score to it + 2)]
(link-reveal-goto:"The 1950s","Q35")[(set:$score to it + 1)]
(link-reveal-goto:"The 1920s","Q35")[(set:$score to it + 5)]
<footer class="bird">
</footer><header class="bird">
<h3>Question 35</h3>
Which of the following do you like the most about the time period you chose?
(link-reveal-goto:"The technology","Q36")[(set:$score to it + 3)]
(link-reveal-goto:"The fashion","Q36")[(set:$score to it + 2)]
(link-reveal-goto:"The art styles","Q36")[(set:$score to it + 4)]
(link-reveal-goto:"The music","Q36")[(set:$score to it + 1)]
(link-reveal-goto:"Its depiction of the future","Q36")[(set:$score to it + 5)]
<footer class="bird">
</footer><header class="bird">
<h3>Final Question!</h3>
Which of these traits do you consider to be the most valuable in a person?
(link-reveal-goto:"High IQ","Results")[(set:$score to it + 1)]
(link-reveal-goto:"High Empathy","Results")[(set:$score to it + 4)]
(link-reveal-goto:"High Wealth","Results")[(set:$score to it + 2)]
(link-reveal-goto:"High Confidence","Results")[(set:$score to it + 3)]
(link-reveal-goto:"High Self-Esteem","Results")[(set:$score to it + 5)]
<footer class="bird">
</footer>(event:when time > 9s)[You are (if:$score > 36 and $score <= 49)[an](else:)[a]... ]
(event:when time > 10s)[(if:$score > 36 and $score <= 49)[(display:"Owl")](else-if:$score > 50 and $score <= 62)[(display:"Crow")](else-if:$score > 63 and $score <= 74)[(display:"Macaw")](else-if:$score > 75 and $score <= 85)[(display:"Conure")](else-if:$score > 86 and $score <= 96)[(display:"Dove")](else-if:$score > 97 and $score <= 107)[(display:"Lovebird")](else-if:$score > 108 and $score <= 119)[(display:"Falcon")](else-if:$score > 120 and $score <= 130)[(display:"Finch")](else-if:$score > 131 and $score <= 142)[(display:"Hummingbird")](else-if:$score > 143 and $score <= 154)[(display:"Canary")](else-if:$score > 155 and $score <= 167)[(display:"Budgie")](else:)[(display:"Cockatoo")] ]